Safety first

Safety at work and health protection are our priorities at the LOTOS Group, with respect to both our own employees and the employees of our partners. OSH-related initiatives are central to our CSR strategy. 

In order to achieve the OSH objectives, not only do we abide by the generally applicable regulations, but we also implement our own standards of conduct. 

At the LOTOS Group we believe in consistent and continued building of awareness of the importance of occupational safety across the organization. Therefore, we make sure that each employee − irrespective of their position − understands that they are responsible for their own safety as well as the safety of their environment. We stress the importance of situational awareness, knowledge of risks and relevant mitigation measures, compliance with procedures, appropriate use of protection systems and measures, and timely reporting of any observations and conclusions related to hazardous situations.

We achieve our OSH objectives through:

  • Effective internal communication;
  • Gaining and promoting knowledge about potential hazards;
  • Sharing experience with our partners;
  • Programmes and initiatives, special reviews and audits in the OHS area.