Best OSH practices

  • In 2015, LOTOS Asfalt organized three training sessions to educate its clients about safe work with bitumen products and to encourage them to observe the safety rules promoted by LOTOS Asfalt in their everyday work. The training session at the company’s head office in Gdańsk (combined with the possibility of visiting the refinery) was attended by about 30 people. LOTOS Asfalt was represented by members of its distribution, sales and OHS teams. The company also continued a best practice project with its clients (originally launched in 2014), consisting in displaying information boards at bitumen mastic production plants. In total, 80 information boards were put up in 2014–2015. 
  • The OSH staff hold regular meetings as part of Programme for Work Safety System Standardization at the LOTOS Group, which serves as an opportunity for experience sharing and discussing plans for the future. The key issues addressed in 2015 include: the new CSR strategy regarding improvement in health and safety, application of the ‘Golden Rules for Occupational Safety to be Followed by the LOTOS Group Employees’, new indicators for measuring safety at work across the organization, and further development of the electronic OSH Portal.
  • OSH trainings and drills − in our actions, we place emphasis on education, employee engagement and stimulating the involvement of our management, who are responsible for ensuring safe working conditions to all employees and for encouraging their commitment to building a safe work culture. 
  • The Grupa LOTOS refinery, as an upper tier establishment in terms of risk, is obliged to implement a process safety management system. Therefore, in December 2015, a two-day training devoted to explosion prevention was organized at the Company, attended by, among others, OSH staff, engineers and offices whose daily operations involve the implementation of safety systems. They learnt about explosion prevention techniques, appropriate labelling and operation of electrical and non-electrical apparatuses in explosive atmospheres. 
  • In 2015, the Grupa LOTOS Health & Safety Office was engaged in the preparation of periodic OSH e–learning trainings for employees holding managerial positions, engineers, technicians, as well as administration and office staff members. Following the completion of the theoretical part of the training, its participants are required to take a test and, having passed it, they have a practical training related to giving first aid and fire safety. 
  • In 2015, the Grupa LOTOS Health & Safety Office, in partnership with Robod, organized workshops focusing on personal protective equipment and (appropriate selection of) protective clothing.
  • Every three months, the employees of LOTOS Lab undergo training on correct responding to failures and fires. They need to be familiar with evacuation routes and know what to do in emergency situations. 
  • On January 1st 2015, as part of modifying the structure of LOTOS Serwis, 79 specialists that had worked as technical coordinators were officially nominated as foremen, who represent the company vis-a-vis customers and partners. This change is to streamline work organization and improve occupational safety and health. Before commencing work, the foremen must assess work safety risk, brief the crew on their findings and optimally divide tasks among them. The psychological aspect is also important − creating the position of a foreman in an organization’s structure helps build the authority of a leader managing the team’s day-to-day work. 
  • To facilitate communication between the company and its employees, LOTOS Serwis has put in place ‘Hazardous Situation Reporting Logs’ with self-copy paper sheets allowing the employee to keep a proof of report. Each such report is analysed and the reporting party is sure to receive feedback on any actions taken. 
  • Employees of LOTOS Straż received new specialist uniforms, which, in view of the safety they offer, their unique qualities and special way in which they are made, are used in all operations in which the rescue and fire-fighting unit is involved.

What else do we do to improve safety?

The LOTOS Group key project which we strive to carry out with zero accidents at work is the EFRA project. Therefore, the preparation and implementation of relevant safety procedures during the project execution are high on our agenda.

Our OSH-related achievements under the EFRA Project so far:

  • We have agreed on the key safety rules to be followed by us and all the contractors working on our premises. The rules have been compiled and are available at the portal.
  • We have launched a HSE Portal for a system-based approach to managing issues related to safety and health at work. It is an innovative IT tool which will support our safety management efforts. 
  • We have prepared an OSH newsletter. We provide the key information on safety at the sites where new production units are being constructed.
  • We issue opinions on Occupational Health and Safety plans and instructions for safety at work.
  • We are working on the implementation of an incentive programme for employees involved in promoting safety issues.
Other safety measures we take as part of the EFRA Project:

Each contractor is obligated to organize weekly meetings devoted solely to OSH issues, and to perform weekly inspections at a given construction site, attended by its site manager. Before employees enter the construction site, they undergo a special induction training (lasting at least four hours) into the EFRA Project. Additionally, each day before starting their shift, they are briefed on the most vital matters pertaining to safety at work.

Other examples of best practices:

  • To improve the safety of employees of and visitors to the LOTOS Group, defibrillators have been installed at the head offices of selected companies. Some of the companies where these additional rescue tools are available include LOTOS Lab, LOTOS Ochrona and LOTOS Kolej. Employees of those companies were trained to use defibrillators. 
  • Caring for our employees’ health, each year at Grupa LOTOS we organize the Occupational Health and Safety Day. Each staff member can undergo medical check-ups, join workshops to enhance their knowledge and skills in health protection, and take part in OSH and health protection related contests.
  • At Grupa LOTOS, there is an Occupational Safety and Health Committee (OSH Committee), serving as an advisory and consultative body to the employer. The Committee is composed of employer representatives, an occupational physician and workforce representatives selected by trade unions active at the Company. It reviews working conditions, evaluates the status of occupational safety and advises on measures to be taken by the employer to prevent accidents at work and occupational diseases.