Integrated reporting at the LOTOS Group

The 2015 Integrated Annual Report of the LOTOS Group presents the organization’s operations in the 2015 financial year, which coincides with the calendar year. The previous integrated annual report was released in 2015. As part of the new reporting process, the 2014 report was reviewed for its adherence to the IIRC guidelines. Based on the review, recommendations were produced to improve the process. This 2015 report is the seventh integrated report of the LOTOS Group.

Infografika z liczbą raportów zintegrowanych Grupy Kapitałowej LOTOS

What sets it apart?
  • The LOTOS Group’s non-financial report participated in eight of the nine editions of the CSR Reports contests held so far.
  • In 2008, Grupa LOTOS was the winner of the CSR Reports competition, and in 2009, 2010 and 2015 its reports were awarded distinctions.
  • Grupa LOTOS was one of the first companies (both in the industry and among the contest participants) to adopt integrated approach to reporting. In the nine editions of the CSR Reports competition, from 2007 to 2015, 13 integrated reports were presented, including three from Grupa LOTOS.

The 2015 Report is the first to cover all direct subsidiaries, where it is relevant, of Grupa LOTOS S.A.:

  • LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A.
  • LOTOS Oil Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Asfalt Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Serwis Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Paliwa Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Lab Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Infrastruktura S.A.
  • LOTOS Terminale S.A.
  • LOTOS Kolej Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Ochrona Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Straż Sp. z o.o.

Additionally, the following indirect subsidiaries were included in the reporting of certain indicators because of their special role, nature of business, and scale of environmental impacts:

  • AB LOTOS Geonafta
  • LOTOS Biopaliwa Sp. z o.o.
  • RCEkoenergia Sp. z o.o.
  • Energobaltic Sp. z o.o.
  • LOTOS Exploration and Production Norge AS.

However, the scope of reported data for LOTOS E&P Norge AS is limited compared with other companies as LOTOS E&P Norge is a licensee, so all environmental (and operational) matters are reported by the licence operators.

A consequence of these changes are differences in presentation of certain indicators and their limited comparability.