Results – number of accidents

In 2015, no fatal, severe or group accidents were reported at the LOTOS Group. The recorded minor injuries were mostly related to moving on foot. We have already taken actions to minimize their number in the future, by, for instance, implementing technical solutions to improve safety.

Women Men
Total workplace accidents 5 28
Fatalities 0 0
Severe injuries 0 0
Minor injuries  5 28
Total accident victims 33
WLTIF incidence rate (per 1 million hours worked)1) 3.4
LDR incidence rate (per 200 thousand hours worked)2) 0.7

1) LTIF rate — number of occurrences resulting in inability to work x106/number of manhours worked.

2) LDR rate — number of occurrences resulting in inability to work x2*105/number of manhours.

Number of accidents by activity (e.g. road transport, air transport, construction activities, etc.)
Cause: Number of accidents Measures taken to prevent accident occurrence in the future
Moving on foot  12   
  • All the Group company employees were informed, in monthly reports, about the circumstances of the accidents. Heads of the organizational units where the accidents had occurred discussed them in detail with all the subordinates
  • In places where it was feasible and justified, technical solutions were implemented to improve safety, for example, the condensate drainage system over which the employee tripped and sustained injury, was revamped; stairs in selected buildings were covered with anti-slip paint; employees working in the vicinity of railway tracks can only wear sturdy boots with ankle support 
  • The cleaning staff were trained on how to properly mark slippery floors
Use of machinery and equipment   7   
  • Cutting machine tools were checked for swarf removal equipment 
  • All the Group company employees were informed, in monthly reports, about the circumstances of the accidents 
  • The choice/efficiency of personal protective equipment was analysed in terms of preventing the risk of capture at the equipment operator workplace at the Railcars Loading Complex
  • Uniform guidelines for the entire production area were developed, concerning: methods of work and procedures for all operations involving the use of rubber hoses (steaming, drainage, blowdown, rinsing, cleaning) as well as places for and manner of rubber hose storage
Driving, using means of transport 5  
  • All the Group company employees were informed, in monthly reports, about the circumstances of the accidents 
  • Heads of the organizational units where the accidents had occurred discussed them in detail with all the subordinates 
  • Employees responsible for vehicle fleet management attended an additional safe driving course to learn more about the rules and factors for safe driving, as well as identifying, predicting and avoiding dangerous situations
Handling, storage, transportation work  4  
  • Metal cases were checked for the firmness of their sides 
  • All the Group company employees were informed, in monthly reports, about the circumstances of the accidents 
  • An OSH manual for engine oil low-tonnage loading was updated
Incidence rate (total accident victims/headcount x 1,000)
ikonka Women ikonka Men ikonka Total
4.6 7.7 7.0
Severity rate (days lost/number of accidents)
ikonka Women ikonka Men ikonka Total
53.6 46.2 47.4
Reported cases of occupational disease (ODR, calculated as * 200,000)
ikonka Women ikonka Men ikonka Total
0 0.064 0.049