Reduction of energy consumption

In 2015, companies of the LOTOS Group engaged in efficiency initiatives to reduce energy consumption.

At Grupa LOTOS, this goal was pursued as part of the currently implemented Energy Management System based on ISO 50001, and is in line with the Company’s Energy Policy underlying the System. Activities improving energy efficiency are part of our constant development efforts and are carried out in compliance with established and documented procedures. They focus primarily on such matters as optimization of technological processes, maintenance of energy-consuming infrastructure in proper technical condition, investments to improve energy efficiency, and procurement of services and assets taking into account their energy intensity’s effect on long-term costs of their use. In 2015, projects involving optimization of steam network performance and rotating machinery were conducted, which helped reduce energy consumption by 90,760 when converted GJ/MWh in total.

LOTOS Oil completed three initiatives resulting from its five-year overhaul schedule and consultations with the staff on the possible ways of reducing branch costs. The initiatives involved replacement of pipeline and tank heat insulation as part of ongoing maintenance activities, and employee-targeted information campaign on the importance of heat and energy saving.

As for LOTOS Asfalt, the company’s activities under the Energy Management Systems produced efficiencies amounting to 63,139 when converted GJ/MWh.

Other companies of the LOTOS Group also take steps to minimize their energy and fuel consumption. In 2015, LOTOS Paliwa upgraded lighting of petrol pump canopies at 13 service stations. LOTOS Kolej reduced its fuel consumption − in 2015 it used 0.18 l/km less diesel oil than in 2014.

Direct and indirect energy consumption within the organization

LOTOS Group (Table 1a, 1b)
1a) Primary energy
Total consumption of primary energy from non-renewable sources (own or purchased), by type of fuel Amount (GJ) - GL S.A.
Natural gas 7 919 009
Fuel gas 11 650 729
Residual gases 3 595 562
LSFO 2 560 821
Light fuel oil (HON) 1 131
Resale of heat generated from waste primary energy to other entities -118 907
Total consumption 25 608 345
1b) Useful energy
Total consumption of useful energy purchased from other entities (including the affiliates of the LOTOS Group),: electricity and heat
Electricity 1 814 958
Heat (including steam and cooling)  0
Total sales of useful energy to entities outside the LOTOS Group purchased outside the LOTOS Group or produced inside the LOTOS Group [electricity and heat] 
Total electricity sales 6 048
Total heat sales (net) 660
LOTOS Group (Tab.2)
Primary energy
Total consumption of primary energy from non-renewable sources (own or purchased), by type Values (GJ) — draft report
Natural gas 8 833 545
Fuel gas 11 650 729
Residual gases 3 595 562
Fuel oil (including LSFO fuel oil) 2 718 694
Diesel oil (including HON light oil) 462 319
Total consumption 27 260 849

Companies included in the calculations: Grupa LOTOS (Tab. 1), AB LOTOS Geonafta, LOTOS Oil, LOTOS Petrobaltic, Energobaltic, LOTOS Infrastruktura, LOTOS Kolej, LOTOS Asfalt, LOTOS Serwis, LOTOS Paliwa, LOTOS Ochrona, LOTOS Straż (Tab. 2).