Emissions management

2015 was the last year covered by the LOTOS Group’s Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for 2012−2015. One of its objectives was to bring average annual carbon (CO2) emissions intensity ratio at the Grupa LOTOS refinery, expressed in kg CO2/CWT, below 90% of the 2011 levels in 2015.

29.8 kg CO2/CWT*

that low was the average carbon emissions intensity ratio at Grupa LOTOS installations, down 79% on 2011 The reduction was made possible by connecting the refinery to the gas grid in 2012 and use of natural gas as fuel in the CHP plant, and as feedstock for hydrogen generation, as well as a number of other upgrades and efficiency-promoting measures.

* plant’s total CO2 emissions divided by the total throughput of all it’s installations emitting this gas

Direct greenhouse gas emissions
GHG emissions [tonnes of CO2]
1 Emissions associated with electricity production 30 998
2 Emissions associated with heat production 1 336 835
3 Emissions associated with gas flaring 10 550
4 Emissions from processes 621 773
Total direct emissions 2 000 156
Operations/processes of particular relevance GHG emissions [tonnes of CO2]
Refining production 1 612 667
Crude oil production 44 277
Emissions from CHP plants 328 754

Companies included in the calculations: Grupa LOTOS, LOTOS Petrobaltic, LOTOS Asfalt, Energobaltic, RCEkoenergia.

Indirect greenhouse gas emissions
GHG emissions [tonnes of CO2]
1 Emissions from electricity purchased for the organization’s needs 554 755
2 Emissions from heat purchased for the organization’s needs 13 027
Total indirect emissions 567 782
Operations/processes of particular relevance
(where they represent a material proportion of the organization’s emissions profile)
Indirect GHG emissions [tonnes of CO2]
Purchased electricity consumption at the onshore facility (LOTOS Petrobaltic) 1 611
Consumption of electricity purchased for refinery production purposes (Grupa LOTOS) 427 933
Pumping of water for power generation and wastewater treatment (RCEkoenergia) 289

Companies included in the calculations: Grupa LOTOS, LOTOS Oil, LOTOS Petrobaltic, LOTOS Infrastruktura, LOTOS Kolej, LOTOS Asfalt, LOTOS Serwis, LOTOS Paliwa, LOTOS Ochrona, LOTOS Straż, LOTOS Terminale, LOTOS Lab, LOTOS Biopaliwa, RCEkoenergia.

The 2015 CO2 emissions intensity ratio (per production unit, direct emissions only) was:

  • at Grupa LOTOS: 29.8 kg CO2/CWT
  • at LOTOS Petrobaltic: 0.261 tCO2/toe
  • at LOTOS Asfalt: Gdańsk plant − 0.018 t CO2/t of the product, Jasło plant − 0.11 t CO2/t of the product (various processes run at the Gdańsk plant and the Jasło plant characterised with different emission levels)
  • at Energobaltic: 0.06 tonnes/GJ

Falling oil prices and the resulting decrease in prices of finished goods had a bearing on the environmental impact of the Grupa LOTOS refinery in Gdańsk in 2015. In the new price environment, the unit cost of energy generated from the refinery’s finished goods turned out to be lower than the unit cost of energy from natural gas. This was an opportunity to reduce operating expenses and improve our competitive position.

The larger share of crude oil products, the so-called finished goods in the energy and feedstock mix at our Gdańsk refinery had a marked impact on sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulate emissions from our installations. At one of the hydrogen generation units, we used LPG as feedstock on a temporary basis.. It is worth stressing that the quality of finished goods, and the amount of emissions into the air were within the permitted levels set out in the integrated permit.

Air emissions of main pollutants from the Grupa LOTOS’ CHP plant as percent of permitted values

NOx, SOx, and other significant air emissions
NOx, SOx and other significant air emissions Amount of air emissions (tonne)
NOx 1 135.33
SOx 2 578.88
Persistent organic pollutants (POP) 0.00
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 230.81
Hazardous air pollutants (HAP) 1.81
Particulate matter (PM) 231.48
Other standard categories of air emissions  16.33
The emission intensity in the process of oil and gas production The emission intensity (t/mboe)
NOx 29.71
SOx 3.47
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) 357.26
Particulate matter (PM) 3.66

Companies included in the calculations: Grupa LOTOS, AB LOTOS Geonafta, LOTOS Oil, LOTOS Petrobaltic, Energobaltic, LOTOS Kolej, LOTOS Asfalt, LOTOS Serwis, LOTOS Paliwa, LOTOS Terminale, LOTOS Lab, LOTOS Biopaliwa, RCEkoenergia.

Volume of gases flared
Location Amount of flare gas [thousand cubic metres] Total volume of flared gases per production unit
LOTOS Petrobaltic (international waters, Polish Exclusive Economic Zone) 3 552.5 2 586.1 thousand m3/Mboe
Grupa LOTOS (Gdańsk refinery) 5 448.0
AB LOTOS Geonafta (Lithuania) 415.7 2 233.0 tys. thousand m3/Mboe