Consolidated statement of financial position

Consolidated statement of financial position for 2015
PLN ‘000 Note

Dec 31 2015

Dec 31 2014
Non-current assets      
Property, plant and equipment 13 10,568,422 9,481,883
Goodwill 14 46,688 46,688
Other intangible assets 15 617,731 557,458
Equity-accounted joint ventures 16 70,745 99,599
Deferred tax assets 10.3 924,478 1,488,901
Derivative financial instruments 28 8,697 -
Other non-current assets 18 201,008 107,288
Total non-current assets   12,437,769 11,781,817
Current assets      
Inventories 19 3,235,816 3,917,129
  - including mandatory stocks 19.2 1,881,494 2,243,655
Trade receivables 18 1,550,900 1,406,501
Current tax assets   11,953 59,094
Derivative financial instruments 28 208,482 4,430
Other current assets 18 856,336 1,419,536
Cash and cash equivalents 20 859,699 348,215
Total current assets   6,723,186 7,154,905
Non-current assets held for sale (or disposal groups) 17 8,377 10,435
Total assets   19,169,332 18,947,157
Share capital 21 184,873 184,873
Share premium 22 2,228,310 2,229,626
Cash flow hedging reserve 23 (700,888) (412,535)
Retained earnings 24 5,928,484 6,190,989
Translation differences 25 71,281 65,335
Equity attributable to owners of the Parent   7,712,060 8,258,288
Non-controlling interests 26 138 175
Total equity   7,712,198 8,258,463
Non-current liabilities      
Borrowings, other debt instruments and finance lease liabilities 27 4,454,460 4,495,562
Derivative financial instruments 28 54,306 62,626
Deferred tax liabilities 10.3 47,626 55,527
Employee benefit obligations 29 182,252 185,451
Other liabilities and provisions 30 1,292,571 657,563
Total non-current liabilities   6,031,215 5,456,729
Current liabilities      
Borrowings, other debt instruments and finance lease liabilities 27 2,544,848 2,168,106
Derivative financial instruments 28 110,845 135,917
Trade payables 30 1,232,510 1,692,839
Current tax payables   11,770 4,667
Employee benefit obligations 29 122,201 84,038
Other liabilities and provisions 30 1,403,745 1,137,310
Total current liabilities   5,425,919 5,222,877
Liabilities directly associated with non-current assets (or disposal groups) held for sale 17; 29.1 - 9,088
Total liabilities   11,457,134 10,688,694
Total equity and liabilities   19,169,332 18,947,157

The Notes to the consolidated financial statements are an integral part of the statements.
(This is a translation of a document originally issued in Polish)