Summary of 2015
For the LOTOS Group, one of the leaders on the Polish fuel market, 2015 was devoted to well-thought investments in innovations, employees and sustainable development. This is adequately depicted by the below key financial and non-financial indicators na 2015:
22.7 bn PLN
2.2 bn PLN
clean LIFO-based EBITDA*
1.5 bn PLN
net cash from operating activities
-0.3 bn PLN
net profit/(loss)
1.4 bn PLN
LOTOS Group’s capital expenditure in 2015
share of the retail fuel market
share of the total fuel market
28.4 thousand boe** per day
total volume of hydrocarbon production
10.2 m tonnes
total volume of crude processed
11.2 m tonnes
total sales volume of products
72 m PLN
expenditure on eco-friendly investments
headcount at the LOTOS Group
LOTOS service stations
internships and traineeships held during the year
in the RESPECT Index
1.4 bn PLN
brand value
serious accidents at the LOTOS Group in 2015
5 m PLN
of expenditure on social projects
* EBITDA LIFO − EBIT before depreciation and amortization, excluding one-off items and the LIFO effect (the difference arising from the application of the Last In First Out (LIFO) method and the weighted average cost method to account for inventory flows).
** boe − barrel of oil equivalent.