Our strategy

In 2015, we successfully completed implementation of the LOTOS Group’s Business Strategy for 2011−2015. The key objectives we had set for ourselves in that important document were met. We increased our production potential and improved operational efficiency. We also consolidated our position in the retail fuels market. All of our development-oriented activities were pursued with due regard to the ideas of sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, the key propositions of which we defined in our CSR strategy for 2012−2015.

Profits from the strategy implementation:

  • Improved competitiveness as a result of increased distillate yields, more efficient management of energy, better access to own oil reserves, and implementation of optimization projects. 
  • Expansion into new markets.
  • Increased loyalty of customers.
  • Boost to the innovative potential of our organization.
  • Development and constant improvement of the risk management process. 
  • Maintained long-term trust of our employees.

And we will not stop here. We perceive our achievements to date as the starting point for further development and improvement of our efficiency and innovativeness. In response to serious market challenges, we implemented a new segment management model. We have also started working on our new strategy, including the perspective till 2018 and long-term perspective “2018+”.